Centre for Cultural Psychology
![Wassily Kandinsky [Public domain] via Wikimedia Commons](https://prod-aaudxp-cms-002-app.azurewebsites.net/media/lpqdx0se/kandinsky-jaune_rouge_bleu_960.jpg?width=2)
About the Centre for Cultural Psychology
The Centre originated with a large Niels Bohr grant from the Danish National Research Foundation. It is the first Centre for Cultural Psychology in Europe and currently directed by Carolin Demuth, Brady Wagoner and Bo Allesøe Christensen. Jaan Valsiner and Svend Brinkmann are serving as senior advisors.
Today CCP plays an active role in promoting cutting-edge international research on the mutual constitution of culture and mind, preparing students for work in addressing the challenges of an increasing globalized and multicultural society, and advising societal stakeholders on social innovation.
Specifically, CCP researchers are currently involved in the following research areas:
Raising environmental consciousness in the anthropocene
Developmental dynamics, identity and educational practices in changing societies
Connecting new technology and social practices
Public responses to global health challenges, such as the COVID-19 pandemic
Memory, history and forgetting in complex social contexts
Being located in the Department of Communication and Psychology, it seeks to cross-fertilize perspectives from both of these areas, as well as neighboring disciplines such as anthropology, sociology, history, philosophy, linguistics, and computer science.
The activities of the Centre include research projects, conferences, seminars and discussion groups, guest lecturers and various publication outlets (viz., journals, book series etc.). The Centre is an open arena for meetings and cooperation across disciplinary and institutional boundaries, aiming to stimulate the cross-fertilization between academic perspectives.
CCP connected to the Masters Programme of Cultural Psychology and Educational Practice and Ph.D. training in cultural psychology.
It is also the central node in a vast international network of scholars in cultural psychology and related fields, serving as a platform for international exchange with scholars in Asia, Latin America, the US and throughout Europe.
We welcome interested scholars of various backgrounds to join our activities and contribute to fruitful discussions aimed at advancing the field.

Ongoing Activities
People at the Centre for Cultural Psychology
Affiliated members
Marie-Cécile Bertau, University of West Georgia, (USA)
Ignacio Brescó de Luna, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain)
Pina Marsico, University of Salerno, (Italy)
Dominik Mihalits, Sigmund Freud University Vienna, (Austria)
Kyoko Murakami, University of Westminster, (UK)
Seamus Power, University of Copenhagen (Denmark)
Tatsuya Sato, Ritsumeikan University, (Japan)
Thomas Stodulka, Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University Münster (Germany)
Luca Tateo, University of Oslo (Norway)
Luk Van Langenhove, Brussels School of Governance, (Belgium)
Meike Watzlawik, Sigmund Freud University Berlin, (Germany)
Jens Brockmeier, American University of Paris (France)
Ernst Schraube, Roskilde Universitet (Denmark)
Centre for Cultural Psychology
Aalborg University
Email: mkat@ikp.aau.dk