The PhD specialisation in Music Therapy

The PhD specialisation in Music Therapy

PhD specialisation in Music Therapy

The PhD specialisation in Music Therapy offers doctoral education within the science of music therapy. The PhD students are trained in a stimulating international research milieu and meets twice a year in Aalborg for one-week courses where they work with the peer group, invited presenters and the supervisors. In this cross-disciplinary and enriching learning community research ideas and problems are shared, and learning has value at an academic as well as at a professional and personal level following the principles of Problem Based Learning. In order to provide an academic research culture with a perspective on practice integrated at all levels of training, the doctoral students are expected to document clinical music therapy expertise within a specific field. With this as a starting point, the aim is to promote accumulation of clinical evidence, scientific knowledge, advanced competence in research methodology, theory development and international cooperation in a collaborative atmosphere of learning.
PhD specialisation in Music Therapy